However, two other studies found mirtazapine to be significantly inferior to imipramine, another TCA.
The wood is generally marketed as red oak, but is of significantly inferior quality, being somewhat weaker, often with many small knots.1.
Underpromotion is also sometimes used in casual games as a way of showing off to a significantly inferior opponent.
The university rejected the idea, stating that external degree or certification programs would be significantly inferior to residence education.
The Bank Assistant Scale is significantly inferior to Junior Grades in other Associated Banks.
The individual neuron in a rabbit's brain may, however, not be significantly inferior to a human neuron.
Some have claimed Lancret's work is significantly inferior to that of Watteau.
The insectoid engineer said, "Sir, their equipment checks out as significantly inferior to ours.
In use it proved to be highly troublesome, making the aircraft significantly inferior to the type it replaced.
The living standard in the border region is significantly inferior to that in Russia as a whole.