The club sports sailing program requires a level of funding that significantly outweighs the funding necessary for other club sports to function.
As well as improving health, the financial savings generated by the service significantly outweigh the costs of running it: annual savings were estimated to be £3.5 million.
Unfortunately, the game's various shortcomings significantly outweigh its merits, and it's impossible to recommend to anyone who isn't a die-hard fan of the franchise.
The 75 cubic centimeters of water they displace weighs about 75 grams (0.16 pounds), so that water significantly outweighs them.
"While the Commission's proposals may be well-intentioned, the harms from these regulations could significantly outweigh any benefits," explains MetroPCS.
And though the strategy is most frequently used in commercial transactions - where the benefits significantly outweigh the costs involved - the technique can be used in residential transactions as well.
In addition, it has been shown that in Western countries the health benefits of regular cycling significantly outweigh the risks due to traffic danger.
I cannot see how the advantages of this proposal significantly outweigh the disadvantages.
In each case, the book argues that the costs of nuclear power significantly outweigh its benefits.
Benefits to Health, Some Argue A report today by the American Lung Association concludes that the benefits of improved public health would significantly outweigh the costs.