The Clinton Administration is expanding a program that is significantly reshaping the Government's land holdings, trading surplus public acreage to take environmentally sensitive sites out of private hands.
Despite those provisions, there was broad optimism today that Congress was nearing completion on legislation that would significantly reshape the nation's financial services industry.
Jojuana Lynn Meeks significantly reshaped the direction of the agency.
The decision scuttled a deal, struck in June, that would have united two of New York City's most powerful cultural institutions and significantly reshaped the city's classical musical landscape.
Clark College and Atlanta University voted today to merge, an action that could significantly reshape the academic and financial profile of historically black colleges in this city.
Several long-standing border disputes were resolved, including significantly reshaping the border with Yemen.
Unlike his Joyce biography, it will not significantly reshape our knowledge; we have known too much about Wilde for that.
With the new proposals, Mr. Giuliani would significantly reshape government.
Those recommendations could significantly reshape the nature of the job that a new intelligence chief would eventually assume.
Central Semitic significantly reshaped the system: