The headdress signifies authority and autonomy.
I ignored her muttered comment and turned my attention to the warrior who wore a gold ring in his nose, signifying highest rank and equivalent authority.
Nothing signifies authority in most societies more than a crown or headdress.
The blue star stands for the civic virtues of purity and honesty while the red star signifies authority and law.
MACE, n. A staff of office signifying authority.
Ceremonial imagery - assumed to signify authority, status, and knowledge - had more men than women.
Priesthood, he says, signifies authority.
A tradition in evolution: Pallium signifies authority, loyalty (Catholic News Service)
The trident signifies authority and power and the annulet with red center suggest the muzzle of a gun in action.
Pukka sahib was also a term used to signify genuine and legitimate authority, with pukka meaning "absolutely genuine".