The captain raised a silencing finger and spoke into his comm badge, his voice low.
Suddenly he waved to get their attention and placed a silencing finger over his lips.
He raised a silencing finger to his lips.
Uhura began to reply but Kirk shook his head and held up a silencing finger.
It was as if one of the geas set by Volt himself bound her thoughts, laid a silencing finger across her lips.
"Shota-" Shota's eyes were both beautiful and frightening as she held up a silencing finger.
What made you-" She placed a silencing finger on his lips.
Quick and graceful, Hyacinthe grasped her silencing fingers in his own and kissed them.
Stonecypher tried to protest, and Janet laid a silencing finger against his lips.
Dark eyes slowly opened and the crease between them reappeared instantly as soon as Jan put a silencing finger to his lips.