Brett understood the big fisherman's silent waiting.
I left the sword to its silent waiting, and went quickly back up towards daylight.
The crowd was silent waiting.
Beyond the palisades and the gates, a dark purpleness slumbered, silent and present, but not so much waiting, as just there.
He was good at silent waiting, and stood two paces to one side of his charge, arms folded, his robe moving softly in the night breeze.
After a few minutes of silent waiting, the Bajoran physician joined them to let them know that Arla would recover from Dukat's attack.
She went back to silent waiting.
For a moment Gahan stood in silent waiting, then casting aside discretion he moved on again down the spiral.
These events are succeeded by a few moments of silent waiting.
That silent waiting was interrupted by the loud clattering of an emergency signal from the planet Arachnae.