Their memories are soon filled with grief as they silently contemplate the dangerous nature of their duties.
For a long moment, he silently contemplated the loss of three wide, nominally empty sectors of space to the Romulans.
For a few moments, Kimmer sat silently contemplating his wineglass.
They silently contemplated the dreadfulness of Lake's secret, neither wanting to venture a guess.
They silently contemplated the map and the strange voyage for a moment, but the Fleet Admiral wasn't finished.
Tae-suk leaves after he makes eye contact with Sun-hwa, but returns after silently contemplating on the roadside.
He sipped his coffee, and for a few moments we silently contemplated the foolishness of farming.
For a long time he stood silently contemplating the weather-worn basket.
I slip out for coffee while the machine silently contemplates this.
Gaia spins on, silently contemplating what it means to be born into a sarcastic universe.