I silently questioned her by glancing at Rufo and shrugging an implied, "What now?"
Just as emotional are those who fought the name change, or silently questioned it, and say they have been unfairly maligned.
Eneah's eyes went from one to another of their faces, silently questioning each in turn, then he nodded.
He and Hazel touched their noses together, sniffing and questioning silently.
Frost silently questioned whether Wolf might indeed have gone too far around the bend.
Lense narrowed her gaze and seemed to be silently questioning whatever the first officer was not saying.
I silently questioned why Tahir was leading us down the center of the road where we could be easily spotted.
Startled, she looked up at him, silently questioning where it had come from.
John touched her cheek, smiling as he wept, his eyes silently questioning her.
He and Royhas continued walking; if they stopped, the guards would be on them in an instant, silently questioning.