The red-haired girl silently waved to Spooner to pass quickly through.
The common soldiers, anxious about his health, were granted the right to file past him as he silently waved at them.
Opening it, she silently waved Eydryth through, then followed her.
He silently waved the captain and Neelix back.
He pointed to the doorway and silently waved his father to follow.
Even as he watched, the familiar warning glow of the synthesizer field flickered over the table and their host waved silently towards it.
Kouwe silently waved Nate aside so they could speak privately.
His shift on the bridge ended and his replacement arrived at the comm console but the captain silently waved the woman away.
Many waved silently at a stage they could barely see as the mass ended.
I silently waved good-bye to the invisible creature, and to my abandoned Skyboat, now also out of sight behind rocks and trees.