So, despite the fact that the new SoC contains all the silicon brains of an Xbox 360, it's still very svelte by modern standards.
Why be afraid of the silicon brain?
The first brain, the silicon brain with the original !
With its silicon brain, Powercise assesses the exerciser's fitness level and ideal workout.
At one point an optimistic neural network researcher is quoted as saying: "We're now about 25 years away from a silicon brain."
A computer that held this sprawling map of potentialities in its silicon brain would have the game down cold.
The Maker has designed the explosion with extreme precision, the gigantic silicon brain calculating a radius of annihilation exactly equal to its own extent.
The troll had a helmet with a clockwork fan, to blow air across his silicon brain when overheating threatened to reduce its operating efficiency.
Their silicon brains were used to operating at low temperatures.
The Pentium chip, of course, is the square silicon brain inside most Windows-based computers.