Blue and white silks hung on the walls, white furs lay scattered on the floor with blue cushions, and the other rooms of the pavilion were closed off from that one by more drapes.
On two of the walls hung expensive silks depicting scenes of Imperial splendour.
NOEL COWARD'S red silk dressing gown, with monogram, hangs not far from the ballroom gown Julie Andrews wore in "My Fair Lady" in 1958.
Slacks and flowered silk hangs in the closet.
The same stiff silk hung at the four-poster bed and had been used as a bedspread, in nice contrast to the pale blue covers on the chairs and the silk hangings above the waist-high panelled walls.
"All the silk hung in the house," corrected Layel.
The black silk hung in rags and the bared arms, shoulders, stomach, were green with Spock's blood and blue-green with his own.
It was supposed to be, in its own small way, a work of art, as casual and graceful as the folded silk hung beside the door, or the elegant hair-flower waiting in a window-bowl for her next Pausing.
She came up to him, the silk hanging close against her body.
This room was nearly as large as the first, with silk hung marble walls and clean marble ceiling, but only half the floor was covered with fur carpeting.