In the front, the white lace edges of the overskirt formed a perfect frame for the lemon silk petticoat.
The overskirt fell open in a narrow gap to reveal the white silk petticoat.
Layered silk petticoats rippled white and yellow as she crossed the room and walked slowly all the way around him.
And may I ask what YOU have got to get silk petticoats with?'
Could buy one of those silk petticoats for Molly, colour of her new garters.
The silk petticoat was a little more difficult.
One of her silk petticoats, covered with dark red blood, lay across the foot of the four-poster.
She wore only her silk petticoat, and I could see her large pink nipples through it.
"Here," she said, handing him the silk petticoat the shotgun had been wrapped in.
She also started to work on a gift, a white silk petticoat with handmade lace on it.