Delicate chairs with frayed green silk upholstery were placed round the walls.
"Naw," Nikki muttered, wrapping his arms around his knees and staring down at his shoes rubbing on the fine yellow silk upholstery.
The armchairs and sofas, in hand-carved Russian oak, with gold leaf and Egyptian cotton and silk upholstery still looked fit for a sun king, but the wood had cracked from the flooding.
He settled on the ivory-and-burgundy-striped silk upholstery like a man who had been summoned to the witness box.
Mallory was looking for service in the saloon, amid the lacquered screens and red silk upholstery, when Kelly himself appeared, his face taut and resolute.
On the other side of it, the float-cars with the white silk upholstery waited to convey refreshed funeral envoys the couple of kilometers across the Celestial Garden to the South Gate.
Some chauvinists might feel an urge to retaliate for the McDonald's attack by spray-painting the rosewood walls and silk upholstery at Ducasse, but violence is not the answer.
The ancient silk upholstery of the sofa is touchingly faded and threadbare.
The main dining room, now outfitted with back-to-back circular booths and well-spaced tables, has a luxurious feel, with Brazilian rosewood walls and silk upholstery whose wavy motif suggests rippling water.
Locally made furniture was constructed of native woods, while the elaborate chairs, with hand-carved motifs and silk upholstery, were often imported.