It may also be possible to visit local silk weavers.
After leaving school he was apprenticed to a local silk weaver.
Once the rich silk weavers moved on to other places, their streets gradually declined.
At one time, the village had many silk weavers but as the trade diminished, this was replaced by agriculture.
They also claim to have come from North India as silk weavers.
Some of the members follow the occupation Patwegars, or silk weavers.
At the time he was a silk weaver from Cheshire, England.
When war was declared against France and raw materials were difficult to obtain, the silk weavers suffered greatly.
George Pearson and Sons were the leading silk weavers here in the early nineteenth century.
John Carter (1815-1850), silk weaver who became a celebrated mouth artist after an accident paralysed him from the neck down.