Accompanying this silk-screened image is a pieced quilt that depicts people dancing on a black and white tile floor, their faces animated by eyes with glittering highlights.
He still wears his nose and earrings and a Bongwater T-shirt that had been laundered so often the silk-screened image is starting to flake off.
Its costumes were generally very thin fabric with a silk-screened image on the front that sold for less than $3.
Kelley Walker sugar-coats variations on Warhol's 60's "Race Riot" paintings with silk-screened images of fecal-brown chocolate.
The company makes a fluorescent T-shirt with a silk-screened image of a surfer that sells for $17, and a girls' cropped version for $21.
Integral to each R.O.C.I. exhibition are hundreds of his black-and-white photographs, parts of which also become silk-screened images in his paintings.
There are silk-screened images of local people by Jill D'Angenica on the walls and ceiling.
These are relatively small silk-screened images that have a Marxist message but are executed with North American pizazz.
A silk-screened image dedicated to the blues musician Reverend Gary Davis was also included in the jacket.