Nor did She stop being what She is by reciting a silly rhyme with you one bright day on a hilltop.
Or the gloriously silly rhymes that Nash finds for Flatbush and Titian.
That silly rhyme his father had told him more than once; how did it go?
At the end of the meal he had asked, "There's a silly rhyme among the underpeople.
Mr. Esar spoke of having a witty grandfather and loving silly rhymes and jokes, which he said he would write down.
At the end of the meal he had asked, "There's a silly rhyme among the under people No human beings know it except me."
She loved racting with children, and besides it was good exercise for the voice, saying those silly little rhymes just right.
He has been writing silly rhymes when he should have been doing his sums.
Nowadays I'd be more likely to make up some silly rhyme or song and commit it to memory to drive him back.
Cheri Oteri, a put-on, obviously, with that silly rhyme.