The orangespotted sunfish prefers to reside in shallow, silt-laden waters such as floodplain pools, or will inhabit waters with fine substrates such as sand.
This project caused a local controversy when environmental authorities determined that construction crews were dumping silt-laden water into the spring-fed Lake Zurich.
The reddish-brown heavily silt-laden water gives the river its name.
The water of the reserve is unusually clear, in contrast to the more silt-laden coastal waters further to the north or south.
As the cranes lifted her higher into the air, the silt-laden water cascaded from the open wound at the rear of the fuselage.
It would flood each year, bringing in silt-laden waters; when the waters receded the silt would stay behind, fertilizing the land,the silt would be helpful for growing crops.
On a recent morning, a Manaus tour boat, the Uruna, nosed through the silt-laden waters of an Amazonian tributary.
Recently, the Corps of Engineers constructed a new channel to divert silt-laden waters around Swan Lake.
The city argues that its supplies could be threatened if silt-laden water was subject to quality tests as it moved through tunnels en route to city taps.
The sea around the village is unusually clear, in contrast to the more silt-laden coastal waters further to the north or south.