Lower areas have moist to saturated silty sands.
The Ogallala Formation is composed of fine to course sand, some gravel, calcareous silt, silty sands, silts and clays.
It inhabits sandy or silty sand, and muddy bottoms of inner reef flats.
If the colony is on a sand bar at low tide, it usually deflates and becomes covered with a thin film of silty sand.
The United States first used soil nailing in 1976 for the support of a 13.7 m deep foundation excavation in dense silty sands.
His pace lessened as, with each step, his boots sank into the loose, silty sand, but his destination was not much farther.
E. ensis burrows into clean or silty sand on the seabed in the neritic zone and the low intertidal zone.
For example a sandy soil will have larger porosity than silty sand, because the silt will fill in the gaps between the sand particles.
This type of deformation is found in fine or silty sands, and is usually confined to one rock layer.
It prefers fine, silty sand, but is also found in mud or gravel.