I don't suppose you found my silver Porsche.
And while we're there this blonde comes streaking in, in a silver Porsche.
His car was a silver Porsche; he stopped beside it and leaned casually against the polished fender.
Then J. D. got into the silver Porsche and started down the drive.
We rolled into the paved courtyard, followed by a couple in a custom-built silver Porsche with Andorran plates.
The couple leaves in the woman's car as Timberlake rolls down the window of a silver Porsche, from which he and his friend have been watching the woman.
He did not spare himself the outside pleasures that the job helped him afford, either, playing golf and buying a silver Porsche, said his mother, Linda.
I still couldn't see the silver Porsche up ahead.
Last week, a businessmen took the athletes around the area in his silver Porsche convertible.
He was driving his silver Porsche.