On his head was a plain silver tiara, studded with carnelians, signifying his status as a king of kings.
She seemed quite young, possibly fifteen, and her hair was as white as snow, set with a silver tiara.
Fortunately, the requested item was small: a silver tiara studded with pale amethysts.
Her dark green hair was gathered up under a silver tiara set with rubies.
A silver tiara, studded with polished Spican flame gems, crowned her auburn curls.
She wore a slim plain silver tiara on her brow, and a small gold St Christopher dangling from a chain round her neck.
She considered the pile of burnished curls her maid was building atop a small silver tiara.
Second: the ladies, for whom the prize shall be a silver tiara from the royal coffers.
On her noble brow, a silver tiara flashed with white gems.
She fancies the color orange and also wears a silver tiara.