The cuffs of the sleeves had three rows of silver brocade.
It was a large room with walls of white tile that glittered in the reflections of electric lights and looked like silver brocade.
A man in a dark gray cloak trimmed in silver brocade stepped from the carriage and under the archway.
Zedd slipped his hands up opposite sleeves until the silver brocade at the cuffs met.
He took hold of the silver brocade at the cuff and drew the sleeve back down his arm.
I'd dressed as if I were going to court, in silver brocade with a lavender velvet roquelaure over my shoulders.
Gold lace and silver brocade are favorites for evening.
He fumbled with the silver brocade on his sleeve.
Three rows of silver brocade circled the cuffs of his sleeves.
Jack eyed Paul obliquely as he put on his waistcoat of silver brocade.