The house was in darkness, lit only by the silver candelabra which the old man carried.
I light one of the candles in the big silver candelabra.
Sir Andrew was standing with his back to her and close to a table upon which stood a massive silver candelabra.
The reconnection to the past is made through a silver candelabra the family has passed down for generations and dubbed Nathan.
Paul had the lights turned down in the dining room and candles burning in the silver candelabra.
Before them was a silver candelabra and on each of the candles was fixed a little painted paper shade.
Within moments, glass shattered as something was thrown out of a window - a beautiful silver candelabra.
He remembered the tall thin red ones Zoe used to put in the silver candelabra when she was entertaining.
With the most delicate lace cloth on top, and a silver candelabra that had to be carefully polished every Saturday.
On the sideboard, the silver candelabra of the night before had been replaced by stacked cups waiting, hotel-style, for use.