Candles in the great silver candelabrum in the center of the broad mahogany board lit the hall, throwing long shadows on the stair.
Bus fare is paid for by temporarily hocking a family heirloom, a silver candelabrum that is referred to as Nathan.
The silver candelabrum on the table would do nicely, though carrying it would be awkward.
The source of the light proved to be tapers of crimson wax, set in two of the three sockets of a gleaming silver candelabrum.
The nine-light gilded silver candelabrum by Storr stands 41 inches tall and dates to 1835-36.
The table's silver candelabrum had been set aside on the floor behind the table.
There was a silver candelabrum on a sideboard with half a dozen candles in it.
The hall was dim and shadowy with the drifting smoke; the silver candelabrum was overturned, the candles extinguished.
From a table in the passageway, he had taken a silver candelabrum which he placed on the mantelpiece.
The focal point of the ballroom was a long tea table with lace cloth, tall silver candelabrum, and two flower arrangements.