It was tall and netted over with silver cobwebs.
It left a silver cobweb in the Perspex pane, and then Michael rotated the Centurion's nose and they skimmed over the boundary fence and bore up into the clear blue highveld sky.
She slid all the gauze curtains and silver cobwebs along their runners at the top, removed the benches, popped in a Pre-Raphaelite easel, couch, and a stained-glass window behind the staircase, and it was Brissard's studio, as though designed by Hans Andersen.
Especially, she realized, when the princess was wearing her dowdy brown worsted, regally emblazoned-at least on the right sleeve-with silver cobwebs.
On the thickly carpeted floor on the other side of the fireplace was a silver cobweb--a fallen silver cage, but no love birds sang from it.
Casting Edie as an ephebic silver-haired Dracula (Drella, indeed), Gerard Malanga as a whip-wielding but humiliated Harker and Ondine as a sly Van Helsing, Warhol populated the Factory's Transylvania and Carfax Abbey (the same "set," black sheets hung with silver cobwebs) with lost souls.
They were everywhere now, floating through the castle, like silver cobwebs.