The man brought a simple silver coronet with five points and placed it on Richard's head.
She picked up a silver coronet from the table and approached Felice with it.
Her brother now brought forward the silver coronet on a cushion of royal blue, kneeling before Hubert so that he might cense and asperse it in blessing.
He spoke of gold crowns and silver coronets and halflings instead of the natas and nitis she was used to.
Epone set the silver coronet on the nun's brown curls.
The silver coronet of the Heir.
In Edward B. Steiglitz's living room here, stereo equipment, computers, books and a silver coronet were all but obscured under a foot of sand.
Her soft gold hair streamed like a river from the silver coronet that held it out of her eyes.
Simple silver coronets were set upon their rich, auburn hair, tied back at the base of their necks.
Her black hair supported a narrow silver coronet that sparkled with diamonds.