Z-B's silver emblem was embossed on the top of each one.
Boys in the lower school, up to 4th form, wore a black peaked cap with a silver emblem of the dove descending.
Senior Police Officer (silver-wreathed silver emblem with two gold bars)
Police Officer (silver-wreathed silver emblem with one gold bar)
Etched on the bag's side was a silver emblem: an arrowhead shape atop an oval.
Slowly, reluctantly, the immense man reached inside his tunic, fumbled, brought out a silver emblem on a chain.
One, incongruously, was pulling open his tunic, hauling out a silver emblem.
The Aesir king was putting over his mail brynja a silver emblem carved with runes.
The Aesir king was putting over his mailbrynjaa silver emblem carved with runes.
The silver emblem on his hat looked spit-polished.