Domon stared at the women and the silver leash.
Women went in and out of a house across the street, women linked by silver leashes, but he ignored them.
Women linked, neck to wrist, by silver leashes.
She caught the silver leash just below her bracelet and shook it.
The woman who had apparently meant to collar Nynaeve fondled the coiled silver leash she still carried and looked angry.
Now, the silver leash snaked across the bare floor and up the unpainted wooden wall to where the bracelet hung on a peg.
As soon as they were inside, Elayne dropped the silver leash and wiped her hands on some straw.
With one jerk on the silver leash, Egwene pulled the bracelet from the peg and fitted it to her own wrist.
A woman came through them, leading a toy poodle on a silver leash.
A Seanchan device, with a silver leash connecting necklace and bracelet, but still the same.