Police recovered many artifacts, but not a 14-pound silver reliquary containing a relic from the third century.
In 1980, the saint's relics were returned from Italy, and now lie in an elaborate silver reliquary inside.
She had been to mass and was wearing her silver reliquary.
The church, now a basilica minor, houses his leg bones in a silver reliquary in the eastern portion under the altar.
Another of Xavier's arm bones was brought to Macau where it was kept in a silver reliquary.
Also check out the Treasury, crammed with (138) gold and silver reliquaries.
Olaf's body was moved to this church and enshrined in a silver reliquary behind the high altar.
The Mayne was an arm bone, now lost, enclosed in a silver reliquary or casket.
And lastly, the fluting in the surfaces of the silver reliquary is also an Iranian motif.
The rotunda dates back to the 11th-12th century and houses a silver reliquary made in 1674.