After the silver rush, Alpine County's economy consisted almost entirely of farming, ranching, and logging.
But a silver rush was probably little more than wishful thinking - no one has ever verified the existence of such a mine.
After the discovery was made public in 1859, it sparked a silver rush of prospectors to the area, scrambling to stake their claims.
Also the silver rush took many lives because of disease down in the mines.
Nearby Tombstone, Arizona, was just beginning to see its population explode due to the silver rush.
The county was the site of a silver rush during the 1870s.
Immediately following the initial silver rush, a town site was platted and the town was built.
At the end of the silver rush, rich miners had diversified their assets into banking, agriculture, trade and commerce all over Chile.
I wanted to hear about the silver rush and Virginia City during the frontier days.
Several more high-grade ore pockets were found, and a silver rush began.