Anne was looking out of the window at the reds and yellows of the trees, and the silvery blue of the river.
The gulf beyond was still silvery blue in the afterlight.
"So the silvery blue might not be a foolproof color somewhere else?"
"I used silvery blue in New York."
His horn had begun to glow: the bright silvery blue of moonlight.
A purple-black sky, lightening to silvery blue in the west, dropped snowflakes in chaotic choreography.
All will change from the silvery blue of a fresh-run fish from the sea to a darker colour.
She blew out the candles so they were in the dark, the faintest sliver of moonlight showing silvery blue through a gap in the curtains.
Severn's flood was high but placid, pale, silvery blue under the open sky, grey-brown beneath the bushy banks.
In life, the threadfin jack is a silvery blue above, becoming silvery white on the underside, with golden to yellow reflections.