A slim crescent of a Moon rode past scudding silvery clouds.
But every silvery cloud has a dark lining.
She listened to the wind moaning as it sighed through the swaying willow trees, silhouetted against silvery clouds.
He could not remember--it was hidden beneath the silvery cloud.
Moonlight turned the water to molten silver, and silvery clouds raced across the star-studded sky.
Whereas it had formerly been blue, it was now covered in silvery clouds.
All her phobias vanished as she found herself enveloped in a silvery cloud of cardinal fish.
The icy wind, the clear, cold sky with the sun dipping toward a rim of silvery clouds that lay like frost on the horizon.
Mullet, fleeing predators, skipped from the water and schools of menhaden darted beneath the surface in silvery clouds.
A bright, nearly full Moon was scudding in and out of silvery clouds.