Carefully trim away all fat, tendon and tough silvery skin.
The men are silhouetted in a vertical stack as they pull guy lines across the dirigible's silvery skin.
Mackerel arrived, its silvery skin slashed to show the flesh beneath.
When the 31 boys and 30 girls are born they appear normal except for their unusual, golden eyes and pale, silvery skin.
The man he had known for years re-formed into a familiar alien aspect of pale, silvery skin.
Psoriasis is characterized by raised red, white, or silvery skin patches.
Without the use of drugs, merely by living in the wholesome California climate, my silvery skin vanished.
She could see his gleaming, silvery skin first, as sleek as Arbat's.
They weren't really fish, more like tadpoles, so delicate that he could see the internal organs through the thin silvery skin.
The smooth silvery skin and dark eyes threw him off.