He was flexing and twisting his simian arms, as if limbering up for violence.
'Cushy for some,' said a deep voice, and Wallace from the orderly room, mess tins dangling at the end of his simian arm, ambled by.
Long simian arms beat out the flames, pulled scrolls off the shelves, and stuffed them into a sack.
Though not particularly imposing physically, Lobo's work as a baggage handler at the spaceport had given his long, simian arms deceptive strength.
There was a wild moment as Fiben felt himself lifted bodily by strong simian arms.
Judah walks days, crosses a trestle bridge aswarm with workers and Remade brachiating from extending simian arms.
The gargoyle slurped it down with evident relish, then reached out a long simian arm to grab a handful of biscotti.
He would pick me up in his long, hairy, simian arms as if I were a doll.
He grinned at Digby and said with relish, "I'm the keeper," swinging a long simian arm towards the sick bay.
He was not as tall as Koots, but he had long simian arms and powerful shoulders.