In this section, the lyrics advise the listener to be more understanding of the people who carry these and similar afflictions, and to accept them as they should be.
A person complaining of chronic back pain could have his suffering compared with an aggregate level taken from a group of people with a similar affliction.
And there is the practice of arranging marriages between those suffering similar afflictions, say schizophrenia.
I was clearly suffering from a similar affliction that engulfed Gordon Brown before he became prime minister (in his case, a white-tie occasion): an alarming thought.
This site became the first tourist-oriented business in Big Sur, frequented by others who sought relief from similar afflictions.
Hiwatari suffers from his own version of the phantom-thief curse, and a bond forms between Hiwatari and Daisuke because of their similar afflictions.
Barbar died April 28, 1835, possibly due to a heart attack or a similar affliction.
My brother and I, we have a similar affliction.
One had a perforating ulcer in the ankle, well advanced, and the other man was suffering from a similar affliction, well advanced, under his arm.
I had a similar affliction as a boy.