But shortly beforehand, the two men died-hours apart, in the same hospital, of a similar respiratory ailment.
He asked how an operation on a child with a similar ailment had gone.
Mink are included in the ban because they have carried a similar ailment.
Several studies have found evidence of differential diagnosis for patients with similar ailments but of different sexes.
Patients who have puzzling symptoms not only visit their doctor, they search the Internet and enter chat rooms for people with similar ailments.
Any financial award won by a group would then be multiplied to provide money for all plaintiffs with similar ailments.
Several different aquarium treatments are commercially available to treat Ich and similar ailments.
Of course, the family has requested an autopsy, but Goldfarb spins it as a hope to help others with similar ailments.
During the 1980's, large new groups of workers using computers and other new electronic equipment began reporting similar ailments.