There are similar artifacts found in Siberia going back to perhaps 18,000 years ago.
When these artifacts are compared to other similar artifacts of the time, most of them have been identified as fish or insects.
Had someone expected to find similar artifacts on Tehuan?
Many more smaller caves with similar artifacts are thought to exist in the area.
My people have found similar Kurlan artifacts in some of the other parasite lairs we've investigated.
Its shape and bronze composition are different from similar artifacts found in China.
Twenty-five years later, Smith finds a similar artifact in the crash portrayed at the beginning of the film.
An arrowhead is the point of an arrow; in archaeology, arrowheads and similar artifacts are known as projectile points.
Consequently, similar artifacts found in distinct and distant places may be the products of distinct causes.
They are defined by the appearance of tanged points and other artifacts similar to those found earlier in Northwest Germany.