There is little immediate danger of a similar cycle here, since the current leaders of the Fed are determined to follow responsible policies.
On the next page, we'll examine how a similar cycle of airflow applies to the entire planet.
Irrespective of the production model under which they are created, all products in the apparel industry undergo a similar cycle:
More ominously, there are predictions for a similar cycle next week.
The technology sector benefited from a similar virtuous cycle in the 1990's.
A similar sexual cycle is present in the red algae (Rhodophyta).
There is no direct evidence that a similar cycle has begun in the long-dormant heroin market.
Hundreds of similar glacial cycles have occurred throughout the Earth's history.
The reason for the cycling is unknown but it may be related to predation by some type of insect that has a similar cycle.
A similar cycle was used when inflow was less than enough for a single turbine.