Canal Plus is prey to a similar distortion.
A similar distortion of life "can happen to surgeons, to other professionals and to all kinds of people," Csikszentmihalyi says.
The large body feels a similar but far weaker distortion caused in the same way by the gravitational field of the small body.
There is a similar distortion compared with reality among the indecent assaults against females.
At what point would that distinction become a way of relieving science from the obligation to detect similar distortions in its contemporary practice?
A similar distortion arose from the widespread impression that every time the Pontiff said "life" he was talking about abortion.
He suspected that the others were experiencing similar distortions.
Ulegyria is often confused with a similar distortion of the cortex known as polymicrogyria.
This story concerns a similar distortion of human sexuality with disastrous results.
There have been similar distortions in agricultural policy.