NBC executives must have had a similar epiphany.
Perhaps some day he'll visit an inner city and have a similar epiphany about the plight of the people who live there.
I wonder if an ES 350 owner wouldn't eventually have a similar epiphany.
It seems a shame that President Bush has not experienced a similar epiphany.
A similar epiphany or moment of disillusionment ambushes other Smiley characters as well.
About a decade later, a student at Howard University had a similar epiphany while watching a Fagan video.
In gardens across the northern half of the country, similar epiphanies are taking place.
Ms. Brosnahan, 40, had a similar epiphany.
Over the last month, millions of homeowners across the country have experienced a similar epiphany.
Shortly before the end of the 18th century, each man arrived at a similar epiphany, although the separate routes they traveled could scarcely have diverged more.