"The possibility ain't never crossed my mind," I said, looking around for a store that sold notions and similar goods.
In the first stage, elementary indices are created to show the price levels of very similar goods in the same area.
These nations would then trade with each other in similar, but differentiated goods.
The remaining skeletons also had similar grave goods, although fewer in number.
He first applied for a license to export similar goods in July 2009; this was refused.
(6) The number and nature of similar marks in use on similar goods.
Before the delivery date, the buyer made a sub-contract to sell similar goods at 65s. per ton.
By November, the number of items is to reach 25 million, mostly from the addition of clothing, luggage, gifts and similar goods, the company says.
All factors apply inversely to the wearing of inexpensive clothing and similar goods.
In that case the plaintiffs and the defendants were two companies who manufactured similar goods.