They could even tell more subtle differences in similar hues of blue and violet.
Not only were they a similar hue, but they set up a rhythm of rounded shapes that kept recurring as we walked.
There is a color of similar hue that, however, that comes close to being a pure chroma: process magenta.
They share a curd color that is a similar hue to that of broccoli.
Most individuals however have green waves, which are a similar hue as the rest of the shell and are often minute.
These fish are silvery colored with a slightly greenish hue similar to the soft glow of moonlight.
Hall saw that webbed sandals of similar hue encased her small feet.
Emsley darkened the eyes slightly to match her tunic; the background is also shaded in a similar hue of dark green.
To appeal to consumer preferences, companies should consider minimizing the number of colors visible and use similar hues in a single product.
Like Nostrene, his body was of a similar reddish hue as befitting someone of noble upbringing.