The new Zbarazh Castle was designed for Prince Jeremi Wiśniowiecki in a post-Palladian Italian idiom similar to Scamozzi's by the Dutch architect van Peyen in 1626-31.
A similar British idiom is to eat humble pie.
Various expressions are used to convey similar idioms in other languages:
This idiom is thought to originate in American English, although similar or even identical idioms occur in many other languages.
Lisa Ludwig works in a similar idiom, but her chief material is rosettes made of frosting.
The past is everywhere, from oldies radio formats to artists like Bruce Springsteen, who works in an idiom very similar to that of Ms. Williams.
Since this concept was consistent with the postwar ethos that had given rise to the United Nations, it stood to reason that the building would be designed in a similar modern idiom.
A similar idiom is "all things to all people", which is often used as a negative term in politics.
The design is said to reflect that of "many educational buildings which have been developed in a similar architectural idiom".
One example of bad usage is a similar idiom called double-checked locking, which is listed as an anti-pattern.