Ten days later Calvi captured the Texan ship Columbia for similar infractions.
The overpayment scandal in Australia points to the likelihood of similar infractions in baseball's future.
We have addressed the constitutional questions by incorporating court-tested concepts in place for years for similar infractions by telephone or mail.
Though companies dislike being cited for violations, they applaud the F.D.A. when it accuses their competitors of similar infractions.
Iona, coming off an 0-10 campaign and facing a year on probation for infractions similar to St. John's, was tabbed for last.
The charge, creating a public disturbance, is an infraction similar to a speeding violation.
Fraser was asked why this crackdown would take hold when similar campaigns against similar infractions have quickly been forgotten in recent years.
Last month he had a one-game suspension for a similar infraction against Karl Malone.
Wasn't it not so long ago that Hextall missed the beginning of another season for a similar infraction.
Washington has been fined twice by the N.F.L. for similar infractions.