They share similar landscapes and they share a similar history of ways in which they have worked to make a living.
This has resulted in a landscape similar to that found in Normandy known as bocage.
Beyond, Secor could see a similar landscape upon the other shore.
The other works depict similar draped landscapes with strange skies.
His cousin made similar landscapes and they probably worked in the same workshop.
During this time he determined that submerged sediments function in the landscape sufficiently similar to soils to be indistinguishable.
We need to go back to the postwar period to find a similar landscape of economic imbalance.
The event was held in close proximity to the original site on a similar landscape.
Geographers also mention the influence of the natural environment in the construction of a similar cultural landscape along the western European coasts.
The municipality's landscape, similar to the entire south of the island, is dry and desert-like.