Next, a similar lesion above Sara's eye.
Injection into the eye resulted in lesions similar to flame haemorrhages found in diabetic retinopathy.
These small blisters then flatten until they are even with the skin, and change into reddish lesions similar to those seen in measles.
Richard Morgano, a maintenance worker at the mail distribution center in nearby Hamilton Township, had a similar lesion on his arm.
It is argued that similar lesions can be caused by long term forceful toothbrushing.
Erythroderma is not a flat, erythematous lesion similar to the shawl sign but located in other areas, such as the malar region and the forehead.
The differential diagnosis includes hand, foot and mouth disease due to similar lesions on the skin.
There were similar lesions throughout the organ.
Have you ever had a similar lesion in the past?
Still, given the biological variability in babies with similar lesions, it will be hard to know for sure whether the surgery was effective.