Some past attempts to redraw precinct lines have met similar opposition from neighborhood associations.
A similar opposition exists between radical politics and the reception of art.
Minor league baseball's growing popularity with the public notwithstanding, other teams have met similar opposition from unhappy neighbors.
Mr. Deutschman faced similar opposition when his book went to press five years ago.
And I suspect that we shall find a similar opposition among pleasures.
Last year, despite similar opposition, the Legislature voted an increase for this summer's program to $25 million from $20 million.
Mitch Daniels confronted similar opposition, but was over time acknowledged as the country's most respected governor.
Two earlier sales of the property fell through when developers withdrew in the face of similar opposition.
Michigan also has discussed unifying their school districts and faced similar opposition.
An animal rights group that helped defeat the hunt proposal in 2000 vowed similar opposition to a new one.