We need to learn and understand how he composes his rage, so we can harness similar potencies in our own writing.
They can only be killed by phoenix fire, a unicorn horn, dragon breath, or any other weapon of similar potency.
It has most of the effects of quetiapine with similar potencies, and is also a potent norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor and muscarinic antagonist.
It exerts its effect as a selective histamine H receptor antagonist, and has a potency similar to cetirizine and is superior to fexofenadine.
It has a similar potency as glibenclamide in the class of medication known as sulfonylureas.
The mushrooms are consumed for their psychoactive properties, and have a potency roughly similar to P. cyanescens.
It has stimulant effects in animals with similar potency to caffeine.
It has similar potency to 2C-B but a short duration of action.
The sulfhydryl-moiety was replaced by a carboxylate-moiety, but additional modifications were required in its structure-based design to achieve a similar potency to captopril.
Roughly half of each dose is metabolized in humans to produce an active metabolite with similar potency to loprazolam, the other half is excreted unchanged.