At least half a dozen others who were interviewed made similar pronouncements, and the news media said that there were hundreds of others as well.
Because Robertson had made similar pronouncements in the past, this was believed by many to be a factual report.
Yet would those same American officials and analysts make similar pronouncements about our own special forces troops who have died in high-risk operations?
The stage is strewn with similar pronouncements, some rhapsodic, some portentous.
Kraft had made a similar pronouncement before, in the case of astronaut Scott Carpenter.
Other Iranian officials have made similar pronouncements identifying the US government as the origin of the uprising.
Last year, similar pronouncements were made about the drug crisis, which has faded from the public-policy agenda.
What is most sad is to hear similar pronouncements from Mr. Lieberman.
However, the survey found that many bishops were waiting for a similar pronouncement from Rome anyway.
"Old Elrood made similar pronouncements a long time ago, yet so far he hasn't followed through on any of them."