No wonder Sushiya has a buzz similar restaurants lack.
Jan, manager of the downtown fast food outlet that sells them, is one of 1,000 shareholders who own a network of similar restaurants.
The wine list is modestly priced and typical in length among similar restaurants.
Her father has worked in 10 similar restaurants in six different states, and now, in Arkansas, he spends his day off alone, watching TV.
He predicts a notable growth in the number of cafe-bars, brasseries and similar casual restaurants in the next few years, however.
The food is a step up from similar restaurants - not exactly refined, but quite tasty.
There are plans to create a similar restaurant to be associated with the new theatre.
Clear Channel Communications considered it to be a pilot project and may have tried to create similar restaurants across the country if it succeeded.
There were similar restaurants on the Armstrong but there the prices were even higher.
Unlike many similar restaurants, the Tiffin Room cooks with pure, clarified butter, rich in calories and taste.