Somebody started a similar rumor here, about such a creature gliding through the water late at night.
Chris Bosio, however, continues to hear similar rumors without knowing for certain what might happen with him.
The patients themselves begin spreading similar rumors.
A similar rumor on Monday had been borne out by the 6-to-10-day forecast released that day.
(A similar rumor is making the rounds on the Internet.)
A similar rumour is sometimes heard about government ministers.
Last year, a similar rumor turned out to be wrong; Devellano said he doubted it this time around, too.
Ms. Boyle's name has come up in similar rumors about her eating habits.
I'd like to point out we've heard similar rumors - or perhaps just wishful thinking - about the iPhone going elsewhere before.
'We heard similar unfounded rumours a short time ago, and did not comment then,' a spokesman said.